Tuesday, November 10, 2015


Prompt for today:NaBloPoMo Day 10:
What is the hardest part of a big project: getting the energy to begin, finding the time to work on it, or feeling down that it's over?

Ooh great question. I am assuming this is a project that I was in on from the beginning. I usually have no trouble with the energy to begin. If it's something that's 'tossed in my lap' from someone else, then finding ambition to get going could be harder. If I like the project I will find the energy for it! For me, finding time to work on a big project is the hardest. There are so many things that crop up to distract or interrupt! Things pop up both in the 'day job' of being a pastor and in my home life. And it's so easy for attention and energy to get scattered, especially if there are a few projects going on! So I write notes and use electronic calendar and reminders to keep myself on task. If it's not on my google calendar, it won't happen! And I admit to writing email or calendar reminders to myself in the middle of the night, if I think of something then.

a photo from my favorite BIG project: the "Book Bag Bash" held in conjunction with Faith Works of Rock County. with 75 volunteers from 12 churches, we gave out school supplies to more than 600 kids in needy families, with a hot dog lunch, face painting, bounce houses, and live music :) 
 and no, i am not conducting a choir..i was thanking "ALL of you" volunteers and about to lead a prayer for the day :D

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