Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Short and sweet

This photo is of a "Burning Bush" (the proper name is Euonymus) outside the church building. The leaves are drooping, because we've had some frosty cold mornings. But the colors are still vivid and beautiful. 

Sometimes we think we can't serve God, because we're older, we have health issues or whatever. We may be too busy to add anything to the calendar. But just as the colors of this "droopy" bush shine, we can serve Our Lord. We can pray! One does not have to sit for a length of time to pray effectively. We can pray short prayers throughout the day as we see or hear of a need. Even a quick thought of "God help this person" is a powerful prayer! We can pray for friends and situations as we scroll through social media and news. We may text or email a loving thought to a friend. That's prayer too! 

This Thanksgiving and throughout the holiday season, remember that even a few moments of prayer and gratitude are multiplied when given to God. 

"I thank my God in all my remembrance of you" -Philippians 1:3a

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