Friday, May 8, 2015

Friday Five from RevGalBlogPals

Five Favorite Places

This is actually harder than you might think...I've been blessed to be able to travel from home in Wisconsin all over the Midwest, and to Florida, New England and the southwest US and Southern California.

But my 5 faves are: (click on the photos to see larger)

  1. My church. The building is beautiful, there is a warm sense of “Home” there. And the people are great too :) 
  2. Riverside Park in my home town. It's beautiful every time of year. 
  3. The North woods of northern Wisconsin. The beauty of the tall pines and deciduous trees, the sound of a breeze way up in the tops of those trees. Watching and listening to birds- Loons, Bald Eagles, geese, and so many more—so serene. 
  4. Florida beach. Any one of them. 
  5. Grand Canyon. It's awe-inspiring. You stop and look at the view and say “Wow!” then walk a few feet, stop, look and say “Wow!” again! So beautiful, and it changes as the light changes. It's hard to take a bad picture there..I tried about 400 times!   

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