Monday, December 28, 2009

The Word

for New Year's Eve service, I believe we will discuss The Word. Jesus, and the Bible. In the New Testament Greek the word used is Logos, which means "word", but also in Greek philosophy meant the core of one's being. Logos is used both for Word, used for Jesus in John chapter 1, and for "word of God" or "word of Christ" in Paul's epistles. "Let the word of Christ dwell in your richly..." I want us to think about concepts of language, and that words have power. Being in the Word, being in Christ, and spending time with our Bibles, has power!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

It is amazing to me, that no matter how unready I am for Christmas, it comes anyway, and i am reminded again of the birth of our Savior. And i pray that it was the same for you! We had a nice quiet, nuclear family Christmas. Our 2 sons came to the 10pm worship service with us. Hubby did not have to usher, there was plenty of help, so the 3 guys sat together, as I helped lead worship. The music was wonderful and really spoke to me. I think it moved a lot of folks, from the expressions i could see.

this AM i preached on Colossians 3:12-17 Clothe yourselves with kindness, compassion, forgiveness, etc.. and Psalm 148. Praise as the root of worship. Worship as the root of our faith life, and recommitting to Christ. Choir had the day off, so we did a hymn sing in the place of the anthem and folks kept calling out requests! I think we did one verse each of 5 hymns. the final request was for Amazing Grace and i requested that we sing the last verse too..."When we've been there ten thousand years, bright shining as the sun, we've no less days to sing God's praise, than when we've first begun."

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas, bah humbug. Ok, that is a decidedly un-Christian attitude! but i am feeling awfully humbug today. I have a cold, the weather is terrible, i am not done with any of our preparations, and this has just been a bad year in many ways. so there it is. Come Lord Jesus, fill my heart with the right stuff, please?

Thursday, December 17, 2009

oh this year has been something else. 2009 just needs to be GONE.
i was so sick with pneumonia in May, a car accident in October and my car, almost paid for, was wrecked. and now, the very worst, our son's girlfriend died very suddenly. He is just heartbroken. and not being a believer, he does not have the hope that Jesus brings us. if i 'preach' to him, i am afraid he will turn away from me. i am praying. hard. i do pray hard for my sons, but now..well. I am so very concerned for him.